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Train a custom model
Loading...Training a custom model will cost you 300 credits. It can take up to 5-60 minutes for training to finish depending on the number of images and existing server traffic. We will email you once training is complete.
Please enter a unique name for your model. This should be a single word, no spaces or special characters except underscores.
Upload Images
For best results, ensure that your images are clear, high resolution, and feature only one person. You will get better results if you can add pictures in a variety of poses and formats - selfies, wide angle shots, portraits, etc.
Avoid using pictures with multiple people in it - it can confuse the model. Also avoid images in low lighting.
✅ What to do:

❌ What NOT to do:

Remember that this is an image training model, and the quality of the output will depend greatly on the quality of the input. Poor quality images will lead to poor quality results.